On February 28th (that’s next Wednesday), at 8pm Eastern, Judge Foundry’s Board of Directors will meet for our February board meeting. You’re invited to join us via YouTube.
As always (by which we mean “We did it in January and it went pretty well so we’re doing it again this month”), you can submit your questions for the board via JudgeApps, and we’ll answer them at the meeting. We’ll answer every question that comes in before 3pm Eastern on the 28th.

The main topic for this month’s meeting is a presentation by JudgeCast host and Level Three Judge Bryan Prillaman, who will be proposing a structure for regions. Listen with us as Bryan shares his plan, then give us your feedback before we vote on it in the March meeting (after the meeting, we’ll post it online for you to read too).
We’ll also show off some merchandise that’s currently staging and preparing to ship. You can expect to see our stickers, name badges, and maybe some other items, depending on how quickly the samples get printed and shipped.
Here’s the agenda in full:
- Welcome, Call to Order and Verify Quorum
- Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
- Membership Update
- Treasurer’s Report
- Member Q&A
- New Business
- Approval of Licensing Agreement with Magic Judges South Africa
- Approval of new merchandise items
- Regions Proposal
We look forward to answering your questions, and hearing your feedback about the regions proposal!